HomeCAUSALScaling New Heights: Professors Puzzling for a Cause

Scaling New Heights: Professors Puzzling for a Cause

At 2am one Saturday morning, while most sane people were asleep or winding down from their night out, some of our more courageous Professor Puzzle team members set out on an extraordinary adventure: climbing Mount Snowdon. Enveloped in complete darkness, but with head torches firmly in place, they began a three-hour hike, all in support of the Shooting Star Hospices, a cause close to our hearts.

Scaling New Heights: Professors Puzzling for a Cause  

The Shooting Star Hospices in West London and Surrey provide compassionate care to babies, children, and young adults facing life-limiting illnesses. Building on a connection we have developed through previous fundraising and volunteer days, we decided to take part in a Sunrise Hike.

Fuelled by sheer determination and a whole lot of solidarity, this awesome team set out to conquer vertigo, fitness fears and sleep deprivation, and make it up (and down) the mountain. And did they ever deliver! With the unwavering support of their community and beyond, they smashed through their fundraising goal, raising over £5,000. Now that’s what we call teamwork!

Hats off to these amazing individuals for their dedication and effort.


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