HomeCAUSALMGWCC #854 — Friday, October 11th, 2024 — “What Kind of a...

MGWCC #854 — Friday, October 11th, 2024 — “What Kind of a Person…?”


Title: “Drinking Game”
Prompt: This puzzle’s contest answer is a non-alcoholic drink brand.
Answer: V-8, found by 482 solvers, 458 of which were solo solves

Looking for a drink last week. Could it be Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb? Sprite or Slice? Vodka or Vanilla Coke? Let’s take a look…

Four long theme entries:

17-A: [The other way around] = VICE VERSA
27-A: [Star of 2005’s “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story”] = VINCE VAUGHN
44-A: [TikTok successes] = VIRAL VIDEOS
61-A: [When some say “nay!”] = VOICE VOTE

All eight of those theme words start with V, and they’re the only V’s in the puzzle grid, making old-school V8 juice our meta answer. Everyone under 30 is like whaaaat??

MGWCC #854 — Friday, October 11th, 2024 — “What Kind of a Person…?”


This week’s contest answer is one of the 25 largest cities in the Southern Hemisphere.

Good luck!


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