HomeRACEINGLa Chambre Bleu | Jenn's Mini Worlds: A Dollhouse Miniaturist's Blog

La Chambre Bleu | Jenn’s Mini Worlds: A Dollhouse Miniaturist’s Blog

In my last post I mentioned that doing the online class with June Clinkscales in March gave me the confidence to finish another room box I’d started in a class (again with June) in Chicago last year.

La Chambre Bleu | Jenn’s Mini Worlds: A Dollhouse Miniaturist’s Blog

This is called La Chambre Bleu, and was modeled after a tile-covered room in a palace in the Netherlands (I can’t remember which one or where, of course).

June did most of the artwork (so we didn’t have to), but we did a lot of decoupage. Lots of gilding, aging, and just fitting everything together. Also lighting.

We did hidden lighting that illuminates the stairs behind the door. We wired it up to a remote control that lets you dim or brighten the light, which is very cool.

I’d only reached this stage by the end of class in Chicago, though she did teach us everything before we left. I just ran out of time. So the scene sat on my shelf, unfinished for a year, until I decided to get busy and finish it.

I added the stairs, finished wiring up the hidden lights, put the door on, and made the bed and the curtain.

I’m very pleased with how it turned out.

Another reason I like this room–there’s chickens! (Above the bed)

I’m scheduled to take another class with June–in June! I’ll post those pics too.

Currently I’m working on a lot of quarter-inch stuff as well as settling into our mountain house for the summer. I left so many of my tools and supplies at our other house, and I don’t realize it until I need something. 🙂 Hopefully I can get stocked enough here that I don’t have to drag boxes back and forth. But I always forget that vital thing …

Happy mini-ing.

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