HomeRACEINGDollhouse Miniature Paint Test New Paints

Dollhouse Miniature Paint Test New Paints


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Dollhouse Miniature Paint Test New Paints

was walking through the Dollar Tree and checking out the new things
that were out for fall and Halloween. I happened to notice a box
shoved in a corner of a lower shelf that was almost empty that
contained bottles of acrylic paints. The firs thing I noticed was the
bottles did not look like the normal ones I see at Dollar Tree on the
craft aisle. And indeed, these were Delta brand Ceramcoat paints!! I
immediately grabbed the box and dug through the few bottles in it. I
was able to come away with 5 bottles of brand name paints in what
appear to be special Halloween colors. All for $1.25 each. I was very
happy indeed and had to share them with all of you as soon as

did try to find the paints on the Dollar Tree app to see if there
were more colors available but they don’t even show up on the app
so I have no idea if there should be more than the 5 I got or not. I
will be checking for more on each trip to the store for sure though.

I wanted to see what these look like I decided to do a paint
test/swatch of them and share that with all of you too. I am really
excited about these color and I am especially excited to get to use
at least 2 of the colors soon.

do the swatches I made a “swatch card” from some of the 140lb
watercolor paper that I have been using for my paint test swatches.
This time I had a piece in my scrap bin on my table and used it. It
measures about 6” by 6” and I drew a grid of 2” square boxes to
test the paints in. I felt the 2” size would give me plenty of room
to test the paints and add the color names. And also I have plenty of
room if I want to test other colors on the same card in the future.

is what each color looked like, all the swatches have 3 coats in the
finished swatch.


Green Metallic- like all metallic paints (at least in my experience)
this one is very translucent. Even with the 3 coats it is still not
as opaque as I would like so when I use this color I will need to
remember to add an undercoat of a more opaque color. The metallic
sheen is nice on this color but not super shiny.





Metallic- this color is the most opaque of the all the colors I
swatched today and I can see me using this on lots of projects in the
future. Anywhere I want the look of a black metal this will be my
go-to color. Three coats of this color gave really good coverage.






Purple Metallic-as far as opacity this one is the middle of the 3
tested today. I love this color and I am sure I will get a lot of use
out this one as well.






Glitter- as I expected this paint is orange glitter suspended in a clear
paint base. For a complete coverage using a make-up sponge to apply
it will probably give the best results. Otherwise for a light glitter
haze a regular brush would be fine. All the glitter flecks are orange
in color in this.





Glitter- pretty much the same as the orange with just a change of
glitter color. The glitter flecks are mostly dark purple with some
pinkish ones sprinkled in. overall a very pretty color.




are these worth the price? I think so especially the metallic ones, I
can see using those in many projects year round particularly the
black one and to a slightly lesser degree the purple one. The green
will probably not get as much use but still fun to have. The glitter
ones, I’m not sure how much or where I will use them but they are
fun and I am sure they will turn up in projects from time to time.

always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos
and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are
supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit
more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving
comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could
pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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