After a very long hiatus here on Wargamesgazette I will post again about my new project. I haven#t been doing nothing, concerning the hobby, but I just couldn#t find the time to post on here.
In the meantime I painted a few Star Wars miniatures, but that could not keep my interest as my last project , the Vietnam war.
Now, with 3d printers getting cheaper and cheaper, I restarted an old project of mine, which I worked on for the last time when I was a teenager.
In my last holiday I started to reread the Richard Bolitho novels by Alexander Kent . I got som,e STL files from Turner miniatures in 1/700 scale. These were to small for me so that I resized them to 1/350 to be able to put some crew on them eventually.
For the few of you who don#t know the novels and want to read them here is a list of all books:
Richard Bolitho
1 Midshipman Bolitho (1975)
aka Richard Bolitho, Midshipman
2 Midshipman Bolitho and the Avenger (1976)
3 Band of Brothers (2005)
4 Stand Into Danger (1976)
5 In Gallant Company (1977)
6 Sloop of War (1972)
7 To Glory We Steer (1968)
8 Command a King’s Ship (1973)
9 Passage to Mutiny (1976)
10 With All Despatch (1988)
11 Form Line of Battle (1969)
12 Enemy in Sight (1970)
13 The Flag Captain (1971)
14 Signal, Close Action! (1974)
15 The Inshore Squadron (1978)
16 A Tradition of Victory (1981)
17 Success to the Brave (1983)
18 Colours Aloft! (1986)
19 Honour This Day (1987)
20 The Only Victor (1990)
21 Beyond the Reef (1992)
22 The Darkening Sea (1993)
23 For My Country’s Freedom (1995)
24 Cross of St. George (1997)
25 Sword of Honour (1998)
26 Second to None (1999)
27 Relentless Pursuit (2001)
28 Man of War (2003)
29 Heart of Oak (2007)
30 In the King’s Name (2011)
The first ship I build was the cutter Avenger which features in the novel “Midshipman Bolitho and the Avenger” Here is a picture of the model: ( flags and crew are still missing)

The ratlines were done with a ratlinemaker. I will take pictures of the process next time. I will try to do each ship Bolitho served on in the future