A quizzical Sherlock Holmes, a porcelain doll created by IGMA Fellow member Shirley Whitworth, who is now retired.
One of the Guild’s most dependable fundraisers is an auction and we have been holding auctions at our annual show for many years to raise the funds necessary to keep the Guild’s educational and community outreach programs functioning. Auction proceeds help to underwrite all Guild efforts, from the Independent Study Award, that grants Fellow members a small stipend to more deeply investigate an aspect of their art, to covering any shortfalls that a Study Program might encounter when participation doesn’t reach anticipated levels. Auction proceeds also allow the Guild to continue to offer miniatures to the next generation of miniaturists at child friendly prices at the show’s Small Beginnings table and to allow all attendees exposure to inspirational miniatures at Guild Show exhibits.

Hall stand by Judy Beals.
Auction items are donated by IGMA members of all levels and cover the spectrum from small accessories to porcelain dolls and even structures! Donations may be items created by those members or purchased by them; they may be items they no longer have a place for, and occasionally, they are bequests.
At this year’s show, the Guild will be hosting two different types of auctions: Silent Auctions will run during show hours and the Live Auction will take place at close of sales on Saturday, September 22 in the hotel Atrium. Donations are still arriving and we are grateful for each and every one.

1/12 scale cradle decorated by IGMA Fellow member Mary Grady O’Brien.

Fan by Marge Adams.