HomeCAUSALAggregate / Gazillion Dragon Team Building

Aggregate / Gazillion Dragon Team Building


Aggregate (sometimes called Greg) has now been catapulted into what is arguably the best leader/team in the game due to the fact that they trivialize most mechanics when you have a full System of 4 (3 + friend). Furthermore, all players can now Monster Exchange 15x Pantheon/ex GFE any number of times and ideally players are able to acquire 3 copies of Aggregate in order to create their own System and once this is achieved, can start blasting their way through virtually any dungeon in the game. He also puts the Dragon in Puzzle and Dragons.

Video commentary


Monster Exchanging

All players can Monster Exchange 15x Pantheon/ex GFE for a single copy of Aggregate and I highly encourage all players to do so without dropping below 2 copies of a given card. This still holds true for Pantheon cards due to potential future Ordeal Evolutions and Dragon Exchanges (eg. Karin Dragon). Just make sure you check to see how many copies you have and evolve as needed.

Aggregate / Gazillion Dragon Team Building

Ideally you have 3 Aggregates.

Aggregate at a glance

1st & 2nd form
  • 4 SB Skill Boost Base form
  • Immune to Poison Orb effects
  • 27 turn CD to Transform first time
    • Creates 1 Spinner
    • 5 Billion Damage Cap for 30 turns from first stage Transform
  • 2 turns Haste upon second/final Transform (6 turn CD)
Final Form

What does the full System solve?

My previous Post breaks down the mechanics I try to overcome when building any team in Puzzle and Dragons and amusingly enough, 4 Aggregates solve most of these issues.

  • Consistent 60 Billion damage per turn for 30 turns
  • Healing solved unless extreme Super Altitude
  • Guaranteed activation with board changer
  • 100% time extend uptime
  • Creates a Spinner every turn to fish out orbs as needed
    • Ensure VDP if desired
  • +10 combos & 10M Auto Follow Up
  • Immune to Poison damage
  • Does not technically need  
  • 80% SBR
    • Only needs 20% more which should be quite easy

What to bring?

2 subs available and ideally they have low base cooldowns in order to inherit large Haste inherits with ease. Cards that Transform or have Transforming actives will often restrict your options. This checklist is assuming no dungeon information and trying to cover as many possible threats.

  • 27 Skill Boosts Skill Boost
    • 16 solved via 4x Aggregate before Assists
  • Damage and Attribute Absorption solution
  • Bind, Awoken Bind, and Unmatchable solution (aka Cleric)
  • 6 turns Haste/Delay if allowed (can get away with 5 turns by playing Spinner game)
  • 1 Light card with as many L’s as possible
    • This is to use the Assist Void Recovery 6-slot Latent
  • Tape Resist
    • Failing to activate your Leader Skill almost always results in death
    • Rare chance board change is unfavourable along with Spinner being inside the Tape effect
  • I personally bring a few Time Extends because Aggregate naturally has none and doubling 5s -> 10s may not be sufficient for fishing out Light orbs for VDP/3×3 Boxes
  • System lacks ATK/RCV buff so if possible, try to incorperate this

Subs can be any colour as Aggregate’s Leader Skill does not care about their attribute; however, the card who has the L and Assist Void Recovery 6-slot Latent must have Light on main or sub attribute.

Cleric options

A quick dig through my box found a few potential Cleric options with the first two (Last Order 10492 and Kazumi Yoshida 10463) having 4 L’s and 2 Team HP awakenings. Odin Dragon is forced to only use his 2 turn Haste active which can put strain on having 4 turns of Haste from your other sub in order to fully Transform your team. This is why non-Transforming cards/actives are preferred as you have more control over which active you use on turn 1.

Absorption options

Like Clerics, your Absorption options do not need to be Light-based unless you want them to utilize the Assist Void Recovery 6-slot Latent. A fantastic example is Ultraman Zero due to his 4 turn CD and 6 L’s along with Tape and Movement Time.

Remember, the bar is not set too high once you have the full System as most things are already taken care of.


Some floor 1’s are not delayable and thus using Haste actives tends to be superior. Ideally you are able to bring a total of 6 Haste but this may be challenging depending on the depth of your Monster Box. As such, it is possible to get by with only 5 turns if you abuse the initial Spinner generated with Aggregate’s initial Transform active.

This Spinner will cycle between Light -> Heart -> Jammer -> Poison -> Light and what you should do is let it spin into Poison and then hit the next Aggregate active. This will leave the Poison orb in place with a new Spinner being generated. Repeat until 3 Poison orbs are on the board and then using the 4th Spinner, trigger Light, Jammer, and Poison match to survive. You try to fish out the Poison first as it is the last orb to be generated in the cycle and thus saving you time.


Aggregate is a phenomenal leader that is further amplified by the ability to Monster Exchange for the entire System through 15x Pantheons. This will enable players to potentially clear significantly more content compared to what they could before as many mechanics are trivialized his kit and only needing to bring a Cleric and Absorption solutions.

Happy Puzzling!

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