Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) returns and is made extra exciting due to the inclusion of GungHo-owned event cards. As a general statement, the game has been shifting more towards Seasonal/Collab/Limited Time event cards being the most powerful along with many of these being unavailable via Monster Exchange.
As such, players have to actually roll in those respective events in order to acquire those cards which can be frustrating when the rolling pool is terribly bottom-heavy and/or lacking overall. Thus, being able to directly roll these cards outside of their events can be meaningful and if PCGF rates are friendly, it may be a fantastic place to spend your Magic Stones. As such, voting for the higher rarities/BGM/Orb Skin cards may be the best course of action.
With this in mind, I would like to take this time to highlight the cards I feel have more value at this point in time. But with that being said, what is most valuable to you may differ from what I place value on and often times getting your first copy of a given card tends to beneficial.
Due to wrists my thought process will be on YouTube.
Video commentary
~hi Youtube~
Players are able to vote twice per category (exception is Pantheon cards with 6 votes) and it is in your best favour to vote for the cards that help you the most and this may often be cards you do not already own.
Primary use is to be converted into their Exchangeable Dragon form (eg. Amaterasu Dragon)
6* Base GFE
I seldom find myself using 6* GFE and have copious amounts of all except the Dual Wielders Series such as Camila
7* Base GFE
Many have fantastic Weapon Assists or are stellar leaders such as Granerv
8* Base GFE
Naughty-Oak and SeaTona tend to be the most valuable due to their fantastic leadership potential. Raffine & Alexander can be acquired via Monster Exchanging
Dragonbound & Dragon Caller
Kurotobi is arguably one of the best leaders in the game
Sacred Relic
Nothing feels super stand out to me and the only one I still use is Polowne (partially due to no Pattie/Ryumei)
Mystics & Specters
Mukotsu JP buff is significant and will come here soon
Illusionary Artists
PCGF can be an exciting event to roll in provided the rolling rates are favourable and the inclusion of various Event cards gives this event the chance to be quite Fantastic.
With that being said, vote for the cards that help you the most and this may often be something you do not already own.
Regardless of all that, let me know what you think about this event in the comment section down below.
Happy Puzzling!
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